
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Traversable Network

Who was Leonhard Euler?

Leonhard Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland in the year of 1707. He was a Swiss mathematician, physicist, astronomer, geographer, logician and engineer who made important and influential discoveries in many branches of mathematics, such as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory, while also making pioneering contributions to several branches such as topology and analytic number theory. He also made the modern mathematical terminology and notation. 


What was his theory about the Konigsberg Bridge? Where is Konigsberg?

Konigsberg Bridge is a recreational mathematical puzzle and it is located in the city of Russia called Kaliningrad city. that led to the development of the branches of mathematics known as topology and graph theory. In the early 18th century, the citizens of Königsberg spent their days walking on the intricate arrangement of bridges across the waters of the Pregel (Pregolya) River, which surrounded two central landmasses connected by a bridge.


What is a network?                                

A network is a simply a collection of connected objects. It is refer to the objects as nodes or vertices, and usually draw them as points. We refer to the connections between the nodes as edges, and usually draw them as lines between points.

How do you know if a network is transferable?

There will be a nodes that is placed to where two or more lines meet. On these networks, the nodes are clearly shown by the black points in the diagrams. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with the network being traversable or not. The node either would have an odd or even number of lines connected to it. Do not count the nodes with an even number of lines connected to it. Count the number of nodes with an odd number of lines connected to it. If there are no odd nodes or if there are two odd nodes, that means that the network traversable. Networks with only two odd nodes are in a traversable path and networks with no odd nodes are in a traversable circuit." 


Thursday, September 10, 2020


My theme for my design is Environmental Protection. I am promoting my designs by posters. 1 already have created 5 posters and I'm still working for my another poster. Those 5 posters that I have already done is not totally finish. I will still change some of their colours and their fonts. To make it look presentable and well finished. My next step today is to finish my another poster. My another poster is showing how beautiful and peaceful of having a good environment and why should we take care of it. Maybe from next monday I already finish my another poster and starting a new one.

My Logo:

This is my final logo.

My Posters:

For this poster, I will change the text position and the font.

For this poster, I am still working out which one is the best to be my poster.

For this poster, I am still figuring out which colour I will use for the background and I am still thinking some good text to put in.

I think this poster is totally finish. This are my 4th and 5th poster. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Mathematical Shapes

Polygons are 2 dimensional geometric shapes that has 3 and more straight sides that are bound as a close plane figure. This geometric shapes (below this text) is an introduction to polygons the shows the 3 sided and 12 sided. 

Triangles - Lessons - Tes TeachThis is the Triangle and this has 3 sides. The internal angles are 60 degrees.

square - WiktionaryThis is the Square and this has 4 sides. The internal angles are 90 degrees.

So You Want to Know About Pentagons? | Math ∞ BlogThis is the Pentagon and this has 5 sides. The internal angles are 540 degrees.

Hexagon geometrical shape outline | Free IconThis is the Hexagon and this has 6 sides. The internal angles are 120 degrees.

Heptagon Picture - Images of ShapesThis is the Heptagon and this has 7 sides. The internal angles are 128.57 degrees.

Octagon Shape PNG Images, Free Transparent Octagon Shape Download - KindPNGThis is the Octagon and this has 8 sides. The internal angles are 135 degrees.

Nonagon Picture - Images of ShapesThis is the Nonagon and this has 9 sides. The internal angles are 140 degrees.

Decagon - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis is the Decagon and this has 10 sides. The internal angles are 144 degrees.

Hendecagon - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis is the Hendecagon and this has 11 sides. The internal angles are 147.273 degrees

Dodecagon: Sides, Area & Angles - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.comThis is the Dodecagon and this has 12 sides. The internal angles are 150 degrees.

This are all the 2 Dimensional Geometric shapes that has 3 and more straight sides. 

Equilateral Triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal. All three internal angles are also congruent to each other and each are 60 degree. 

Equilateral triangle - Wikipedia

In Geometry, Quadrilateral can be defined as a closed, two-dimensional shape which has fours straight sides. The Polygons has for vertical or corners.

Quadrilateral – 4-sided polygon

Rhombus is a flat shape with 4 equal straight sides. A rhombus looks like a diamond. All sides have equal length. Opposite sides are parallel, and opposite angles are equal. The altitude is the distance at right angles to two sides.

Rhombus - Wikipedia

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Art Final Evaluation

My Two Choices of My Brand Logo:

Behind of My Logo Design: 

My brand is about the environmental protection. This brand target those teenagers to help us to protect our environment, rather than they just staying at home and doing nothing. The fonts I used in my two logo design choices are just the same, this are the Baloo Regular font. I use this font because of how they really fit on my design and it fits it a wavy line. I also put gradient on it in lightest to darkness to show the word "Green" is the main word in this logo, which represent nature. In my first logo design, I put a two hands cupping under the tree to show that my brand is about protecting trees and nature.

How effective is Design Principle?

It is really effective because it guides the use of design elements in the creative process to improve or enhance your skill in designing. And I also apply some of the design principle in my logo design like contrast, hierarchy, proportion and balance. I have use this design principles really effective.

Monday, February 17, 2020

English Mini-Writing

The Bystander is like a person who helps someone or who volunteers for help. Most people think that individual people are less likely to offer help to someone that is suffering from something that they are doing when other people are there to help too. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that one of them will help. Some people are not helping or volunteering when no one is doing it, most of their reasons are, they are shy, they are busy, someone can do it and so on. Even when they see someone that is suffering from something they still do not help because maybe they are waiting for that person to ask for help, or maybe they are shy to stand up because people around him would look at him. But when you are by yourself you are most likely to help someone because you are more confident when no one is around you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Why (Brainstorm Art)

Theme: Environmental Protection
Ideas: Water Pollution, Trees, Cutting Trees, and Air Pollution

MY WHY is to show to people, that caring for our environment is worth it. That if we care about our environment it will give us back benefits. I'm going to show this by promoting it by posters, tags, and clothing. My own idea is to create something like a place that has plenty of trees and clear waters.

My Artist Name: Luba Lukova

Image result for luba lukova posters

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What is My Why?

My why is to show what kind of mythical creatures are in the Philippines. I want to show how they look like and I want to express more about in the Philippines. that´s the reason why I choose Mythology as my topic. For me it is easier to do that topic because I am a Filipino citizen, I know what mythical creatures are in the Philippines. In each place in our country, there is a different kind of mythical creatures, some Filipinos are not believing that mythical creatures are real. I choose Mythology because I think I can create more ideas on that topic and I want to show that not all mythical creatures are dangerous. Some of them are kind and some are not.