
Monday, December 4, 2017


Group Members: Danne, Isaac, Marino, and Gian
Group Name: D. I. M. G.
Chosen topic: Poverty

Action taken: We finish sending the survey to the teachers

Outcome: the outcome of this action was quite great

Action taken: We finish giving food in poor people

Outcome: the outcome of this action was really great because I feel that I'm so helpful to other people. 


Group Members: Danne, Isaac, Marino, and Gian
Group Name: D. I. M. G.
Chosen topic: Poverty

Action taken: We finish collecting our old clothes and we give it out to poor people

Outcome: the outcome of this action was really great

Thursday, November 30, 2017


Group Members: Danne, Isaac, Marino, and Gian
Group Name: D.I.M.G
Chosen topic: Poverty

Action taken?: the action that we already taken was the email from the restaurants and supermarkets for the foods that never used.

Outcome: the restaurants and supermarkets that we email has not answered us back.




Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Action Plan at PBL

Group Members: Danne, Isaac, Marino, and Gian
Group Name: D.I.M.G
Chosen topic: Poverty

First Action: We are going to send an email to some restaurants if they can give us some foods that do not use, and we will give it out to poor people.
Second Action: We are having to make a survey for some teachers in Hornby Primary if we can do the third and fourth plan for their poor students.
Third Action: On 29th of November, we are going to bring $20 in each of us in our group so we can get $80 to buy some foods for some poor students at Hornby Primary
Fourth Action: We are going to collect some of our old clothes.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Baked Potato Recipe And Methods

  • 4 large clean potatoes
  • ¼ cup oil
  • 2 T salt
  • 1-2 slices of ham, chopped
  • 1/2 cup mixed vege
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese
  • Sour Cream to serve
  • 1 spring onion chopped (Garnish)

  1. Preheat oven at 180°C with oven tray inside. Defrost Frozen vegetable in a bowl of hot water (if frozen).

  1. Place potatoes in microwave safe dish, add a small amount of water. Microwave potatoes for 3-5 minutes at a time (depending on wattage) until you can easily penetrate with skewer or knife.

  1. Once potatoes are done place them carefully onto the heated oven tray, cover with oil and salt. Turn with tongs to make sure they are covered.

  1. Bake at 180°C for about 20min or until tender.

  1. Cut the lid off the potatoes, scoop out the cooked potato into a bowl leaving the skins intact. Mash the potato.

  1. Fry ham in a little oil until crisp and golden

  1. Mix the mashed potato with the ham, ½ the cheese, mixed vege and any additional ingredients. Refill the potatoes and sprinkle with the grated cheese. Place on a baking tray

  1. Cook at 200°C for 5-10 minutes in a hot oven until hot and golden.

  1. Top with sour cream and spring onion to serve

Friday, November 24, 2017

CP5 Blog Of PBL


Steps Needed to Achieve the goal
What will help us to Achieve this goal?(Enablers
Possible Barriers and how they could be overcome
Who is responsible for this steps
Date this steps will be achieved by.
We are buying a foods for poor students.

All of us in our group is responsible
We're trying to get $80 to buy foods for poor people

All of us in our group is responsible
We are going to talk to Hornby primary teachers to ask if there are poor students in their school

All of us in our group is responsible
We´re going to have a survey for the teachers about what lunches they think the poor students want

All of us in our group is responsible

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Cheese Burger Invesgation

Image result for cheese burger(The burger that we used is without
pickles and ketchup).

Method that we used:
Test tube, Test tube rack, and Tong, Iodine,
Bunsen Burner, Lighter, and Rubber tubing

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Adelie Penguin Facts

Adelie Penguin Facts

Adelie Penguins live on the Antarctic continent and on many small, surrounding coastal islands. They spend the winter offshore in the seas surrounding the Antarctic pack ice. Adelies feed on tiny aquatic creatures, such as shrimp-like krill, but also eat fish and squid.


1. How many of them are in antarctica
Adelie penguins are found on the Antarctic continent and neighbouring islands including the South Orkney and South Sandwich Islands. Of the 18 different species of penguin, only two (the emperor and Adélie) are actually true Antarctic residents.
Image result for how many adelie penguins are in antarctica
2. Why are they important?:
The Adelie Penguin is the littlest, and also the most widespread, species of penguin in the Antarctic. They might look a bit clumsy on land, but Penguins are brilliant swimmers. They can dive down to 180m, though they tend to catch their food mainly krill and fish much closer to the surface.

Image result for Why are Adelie penguins important?:
3. How many eggs does they lay?
Breeds from October to February on shores around the Antarctic continent, South Shetland, South Orkney, South Sandwich, and Bouvet Islands. At sea Adelie Penguins are usually found from the edge of the shelf-ice to the northern extent of the pack-ice.
Image result for Why are Adelie penguins important?:
4. What are they afraid of?
Penguins Are Afraid of the Dark. Like daily commuters, Adélie and emperor penguins are up at dawn, catching krill and fish in Antarctic waters, and back home to shore at dusk. ... Instead, they say, penguins head for shore at night because they cannot gauge the risk of being eaten by leopard seals or killer whales.

Image result for adelie penguin
5. How long do they live for?

The oldest Adelie Penguin in a zoo lived to 30 years; the oldest known individual in the wild was 20 years. Most live to about 15 years, once they survive their first few years.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Argumentative Writing Topics

Should cigarette smoking be banned?

Image result for smoking public
I think Smoking cigarette should be banned in public places. Comparing smoking to fatty foods is irrelevant because people eating causes no harm to anyone but themselves. This is the things that might happen to you by always doing smoking. The tar of cigarette can stick to clothing, skin, and the insides of our lungs! With the nicotine and tar working together, there are a lot of bad diseases linked to bad cigarettes. Diseases like throat cancer, mouth cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease are all caused by smoking. So smoking cigarette can kill you early. So I'd like to ban the cigarette in public places.
Should cigarette smoking be banned?

I think, Smoking cigarette should be banned in public places. Comparing smoking to fatty foods is irrelevant because people eating causes no harm to anyone but themselves. This are the things that might happen to you by always doing smoking. The tar sticks to clothing, skin, and the insides of our lungs! With the nicotine and tar working together, there are a lot of bad diseases linked to bad cigarettes. Diseases like throat cancer, mouth cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease are all caused by smoking. So smoking cigarette can kill you early. So i´d like to banned the cigarette in public places.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Chicken Stir Fry Recipes

Chicken Stir Fry


70g Chicken (1breast)
1 carrot
1 onion
3-4 pieces of broccoli
1 zucchini  
2T sesame oil
1 pkt 2min noodles


  1. Chop up chicken into strips
  2. Place in glass bowl with sesame oil
  3. Chop up vegetables in julienne strips
  4. Sauté chicken and onions together. Sauté means to brown.
  5. Add broccoli and carrots and cook for five minutes.
  6. Add remaining vegetables of your choice and cook for a further 5 min
  7. Boil a pot of water
  8. Place the broken noodles into the boiling water and cook for 2 minutes
  9. Drain noodles in a colander and add to the vegetable and chicken mixture
  10. Serve

Thursday, September 21, 2017

English Persuasive Writing

Does Technology in the Classroom Ever Get in the Way of Learning?

Agree: I agree with this because I think the technology can help the student to learn more and this can help student to search a word they don´t know yet or search about their learning.

Disagree: Even though i agree, there are some other student not using the technology in the correct way. Sometime when they don´t want or like the subject And the teacher, they will just gonna mock around in there technology watching you tube, browsing photos, and playing games.

  1. Identifying Sentences Fragment

1. A cow in the field           2. The sweetest little bird in the tree
3. This food tastes delicious.         4. Everyday after school.
5. People talked                 6. This is a wonderful movie
7. The character with the blonde hair           8. My very energetic mother
   Fragment                                                             Fragment
9. I asked my mother to bake chocolate chips cookies   

10. Whenever my sister sang.