
Monday, November 19, 2018

Passion Projects: Planning of Events

Today, we are continuing on planning for our Passion projects. We have changed our target to student football tournament with the Year 7 and 8 because they're too many groups that are doing basketball. So far, we have emailed Mr.Hilliard for permission to use the gym. We’ve presented in front of the project group to explain what our project is about.

Our next step is to get an equipment list to have the right equipment for our tournament. We need this because we can’t play football without correct gear.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Passion Projects Introduction

Members of our Group: Gian, Vince, Roswell, Ley, and Ray

What Am I Learning:
I am learning to share Ideas and communicate with people. Our teacher is encouraging us to help and care for the community and the environment.

What is S.W.O.T analysis:
S.W.O.T analysis is a framework for identifying and analyzing the internal and external factors.
What did I learn:
I learn to share my ideas and communicate with my teams.

S.W.O.T Analysis
Topic: Sport

  • Fast Learners
  • One of us  has experience in coaching
  • We stay on task
  • We are capable of finishing the work that is given.
  • We can’t speak English fluently.
  • We are not confident enough to show or present in front of the class.
  • Some of us does not know how to coach and ref a game
  • We will have better communication skills.
  • The community will be more active
  • Hornby High School will be well known to their love of sports.
  • Our school will be well known for improving or taking action for our community.
  • The other schools might not let us teach them
  • Some kids might not want to play basketball and something instead.
  • Kids might not commit or work with us when we are teaching them.

Action: We are going to coach primary students to play basketball and then put on a tournament for them to compete again each other.

Brainstorm Image:

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Social Study Reflection

What went well?: what went well to me today is that we are working as a group to finish our presentation and it went really great.

Is there anything you need help with?: No, I think I’m on the right track.

What didn't go well today?: Our work has not been finished.

How will you improve on that next lesson?: I will gonna give more focus on our work so we can done it as early as possible.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


What are types of volcanoes?

There are three main types of volcano composite or strato, shield and dome. Composite volcanoes, sometimes known as strato volcanoes, are steep sided cones formed from layers of ash and lava flows. 

types of volcanoes:

  1. Fissure Volcano 
  2. Shield Volcano 
  3. Composite Volcano 
  4. Caldera

Image result for What are types of volcanoes?

What are the top 10 most active volcanoes in the world?.
1. Erta Ale, Ethiopia
613 m

2. Mt. Merapi, Indonesia

2,930 m

3. Mt. Yasur, Vanuatu

361 m
Related image

4. Volcán de Colima, Mexico

3,839 m

5. Mt. Erebus, Antarctica

3,794 m

6. Mt. Cleveland, Alaska
1,730 m

7. Kilauea, Hawaii
3,032 F

8. Sakurajima, Japan
1,117 m 

9. Mt. Stromboli, Italy
3031 f
2,552 m
Image result for Pacaya, Guatemala height

What are the 5 biggest ever eruptions?
  1. Mount Pelée (1902)
Death toll: 30,000
It’s considered the worst volcanic disaster of the 20th century.
       2. Krakatoa (1883)
Death toll: 36,000
The eruption cast so much dust into the atmosphere, it cooled the entire globe by an average of 2.1 ºF.
     3. Mount Tambora (1815)
Death toll: 90,000
The volcano literally blew its top off.
      4. Huaynaputina (1600)
Death toll: 2 million
It triggered the coldest Russian winter in 600 years.
       5. Laki (1783)
Death toll: Several million
The eruption generated a toxic haze of hydrogen fluoride and sulphur dioxide that stretched from Iceland across Europe.

What super volcanoes could erupt in the future?.
1. Aira Caldera, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan'

2. Taupo Caldera, North Island, New Zealand
3. Toba Caldera, North Sumatra, Indonesia 4. Valles Caldera, northern New Mexico, United States of America 5. Campi Flegrei Caldera, Naples, Italy 6. Long Valley Caldera, California, United States of America 7. Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, United States of America
What happens during an eruption?.

Such a giant eruption would have regional effects such as falling ash and short-term (years to decades) changes to global climate. Those parts of the surrounding states of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming that are closest to Yellowstone would be affected by pyroclastic flows, while other places in the United States would be impacted by falling ash (the amount of ash would decrease with distance from the eruption site). Such eruptions usually form calderas, broad volcanic depressions created as the ground surface collapses as a result of withdrawal of partially molten rock (magma) below. Fortunately, the chances of this sort of eruption at Yellowstone are exceedingly small in the next few thousands of years.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began: Chapter 12

  • “They say teenagers can sleep all day”. Is this true? Do you agree? Does Ellie still see herself as a typical teenager?

For me, this kind of stuff is not relevant because If they grow up like these they will become too lazy and their children might do itoo because that whathey see in their parents. So for me, I disagree with this. Ellie still sees herself as a teenager.

  • Ellie’s dream at the beginning of the chapter is rather nonsensical, as dreams are wont to be. Is there any meaning to it? Try and explain what Ellie’s subconscious could be thinking about: why is her dad cooking for the whole town? Why did Father Cronin ignore Ellie’s greeting? Why was Corrie 8 years old again? Why were they sailing off on a  boat? Why was Lee undressing? 

Ellie´s dad cooks a food for all town because there is a new visitor coming so he cooks a food to eat. Lee is dressing off because he thinks it is fascinating for the blood. Ellie in her dream he was only 8 years old yy


Tomorrow, When The War Began: Chapter Eleven

How does Ellie feel as she is waiting in the truck at the Council Depot? Where do her emotions come from?
I think she feels cold, fear, excitement. Her emotions comes from her love. it comes from her fear.
Why are the girls smiling when in danger? Is this a logical response?
She laughs when someone said put your seatbelt on and wear a helmet. she laughs but she still buckled it on.
What does wearing a helmet and buckling up mean to the girls?
they think that wearing a helmet and buckling up is for funny them so they laugh so hard.
What does Chris’s story say about the town?
He said that the story was a bit funny and dramatic.
What impact does the BMW have on the story? Does Chris seem lonely? Explain your answer?
the truck has been beaten up with the BMW and the BMW is flying. there was a cry of pain from the back of the BMW.
What is Homer’s explanation for the need to swap cars at Chris Lang’s place? What does this show about the way he is thinking?
What are your thoughts on the story so far...
My thoughts to to this story so far could be a bit funny for me and a bit crazy.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began | Can Do Tasks

oxymoron as "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words".Oxymorons can be used for dramatic effect, for example Hell's Angels and deafening silence. They can also be comical, such as in civil engineer.


Reverential: Is a feeling of deep respect or awe like what you have for a president, a hero, or a favourite football player.

Distinguish: Distinguish means to tell apart or to discern, which means to perceive or recognize the way something differs from what's around it.

Violated: When a space is violated, it is intruded upon. When a law is violated, someone is breaking it. You can violate a religious place by desecrating it.

Scrounge: this means collect or look around for for\ord.

Astonished: Is the feeling of being blown away and shocked by something. 

Consolation:  is something that makes someone feel better after they're disappointed or sad. This is a word for things that try to console someone.

Gallantry: Is an old-fashioned word for brave behavior in a man, especially on the battlefield.

Stern: The best word for that look is stern, meaning "strict" or "severe." Stern, strict, severe, harsh, unforgiving, they all more or less mean the same thing, which is very tough and exacting, with a little helping of seriousness thrown in for good measure.

Crusade: crusade is a passionate struggle against something.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Introduction of Lathes

 A lathe operates on the principle of a rotating work piece and a fixed cutting tool. The cutting tool is feed into the work piece, which rotates about its own axis, causing the work piece to be formed to the desired shape. 

How to set up the Lathes:

  • Gather all the material and tools for the setup.
  • Slide the live center in the headstock, and the dead center in the tail stock.
  • Put a guide bar in between the two centers.
  • Put the dial indicator on the stand.
  • Put the stand on the carriage.
  • Apply pressure towards the bar with the dial indicator.
  • Once applied pressure, move the carriage along the bar. 
  • Slide the chuck on the head and turn the screw clockwise on the head until it's tight.
  • Turn the chuck by hand to check that everything is snug.
  • Align the tool with the dead center.
  • Put the material in the chuck.
  • You're done!

In case of emergeny you can just push the brake under the machine using your footo stop the machine running and if you take your foot off in the brake, you have to restarthe machine again, like whayou do athe beginning. 

this are the example pictures of theLathes:
Image result for lathes
Image result for lathes with label

What Lathes can do?:
Lathes can do two things, firsthis can drill a hole wherever you wanthe hole to put, and the second thing this can turn the material in other shape and this can make your material flats, instead of using the file.