
Tuesday, September 18, 2018


What are types of volcanoes?

There are three main types of volcano composite or strato, shield and dome. Composite volcanoes, sometimes known as strato volcanoes, are steep sided cones formed from layers of ash and lava flows. 

types of volcanoes:

  1. Fissure Volcano 
  2. Shield Volcano 
  3. Composite Volcano 
  4. Caldera

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What are the top 10 most active volcanoes in the world?.
1. Erta Ale, Ethiopia
613 m

2. Mt. Merapi, Indonesia

2,930 m

3. Mt. Yasur, Vanuatu

361 m
Related image

4. Volcán de Colima, Mexico

3,839 m

5. Mt. Erebus, Antarctica

3,794 m

6. Mt. Cleveland, Alaska
1,730 m

7. Kilauea, Hawaii
3,032 F

8. Sakurajima, Japan
1,117 m 

9. Mt. Stromboli, Italy
3031 f
2,552 m
Image result for Pacaya, Guatemala height

What are the 5 biggest ever eruptions?
  1. Mount Pelée (1902)
Death toll: 30,000
It’s considered the worst volcanic disaster of the 20th century.
       2. Krakatoa (1883)
Death toll: 36,000
The eruption cast so much dust into the atmosphere, it cooled the entire globe by an average of 2.1 ºF.
     3. Mount Tambora (1815)
Death toll: 90,000
The volcano literally blew its top off.
      4. Huaynaputina (1600)
Death toll: 2 million
It triggered the coldest Russian winter in 600 years.
       5. Laki (1783)
Death toll: Several million
The eruption generated a toxic haze of hydrogen fluoride and sulphur dioxide that stretched from Iceland across Europe.

What super volcanoes could erupt in the future?.
1. Aira Caldera, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan'

2. Taupo Caldera, North Island, New Zealand
3. Toba Caldera, North Sumatra, Indonesia 4. Valles Caldera, northern New Mexico, United States of America 5. Campi Flegrei Caldera, Naples, Italy 6. Long Valley Caldera, California, United States of America 7. Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, United States of America
What happens during an eruption?.

Such a giant eruption would have regional effects such as falling ash and short-term (years to decades) changes to global climate. Those parts of the surrounding states of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming that are closest to Yellowstone would be affected by pyroclastic flows, while other places in the United States would be impacted by falling ash (the amount of ash would decrease with distance from the eruption site). Such eruptions usually form calderas, broad volcanic depressions created as the ground surface collapses as a result of withdrawal of partially molten rock (magma) below. Fortunately, the chances of this sort of eruption at Yellowstone are exceedingly small in the next few thousands of years.

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