
Friday, March 23, 2018

Igbal Masih Paragraph

Iqbal Masih was born in 1982 in the village of Muridke, Pakistan, in the age of of four, Iqbal was sold to a carpet mill owner, so he can help his father to pay for his brother’s wedding and for his mother operation, it was common to borrow money from an employer and pay the debt by selling a child into bonded labor. He was sold into bondage for an amount less than seven dollars. for which five-year-old Masih lost his freedom, his childhood and his health.
Bonded labour means that Masih was to work as a carpet weaver for the factory owner till the loan was paid back. His freedom remained a dream because his family’s financial burdens kept growing and they were unable to pay back the loan. Masih’s torture continued without any respite and any hope of the loan ever being repaid.

Masih was like any normal child, with aspirations and dreams of getting educated. But he was only getting well versed in torture and indignity.

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