
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began: Chapter 3

Why does Robyn think they are the only people ever to have gone into Hell?

Why do you think the valley is called Hell? Because the valley is a wild place and there's a lot of killing.

Why must the teenagers seem like visitors from hell to the wild things living in the clearing? How is this ironic?

What picture of Kevin do we get in this chapter? Kevin is scared to leave him alone in the hell and keeps following the others mainly for this reason, even when he feels so tired that he can hardly move. 

What does Ellie liken Fi to? Do you think this is a fair assessment of her character? Use examples from the text to support your thinking

At times Ellie switches her narration from retelling the story to commenting about her life in the present - why do you think the author has chosen to write in this style?

Spiritual Wellbeing

  • What did you think spiritual wellbeing was before you started this unit?
I thought its about our living and stuff.

  • What is the spiritual wellbeing about?
Spiritual well-being is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives

  • Why does everyone have differing spiritual wellbeing?
different within the same broad culture.

  • What area of spiritual well being that you need to improve on and why?
Praying before sleeping because I always forgot to pray before sleeping.

  • What are the 3 traditions that you have?:
Going to church every Sunday
Celebrating Christmas
Praying before eating

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tomorrow, When The War Began, Chapter 2

How did the group of teenagers ascend Tailors Stitch? They used their parent's Landrover to ascend to Tailors Stitch.

What are the two special events happening the day after the teenagers leave for the bush? The Commemoration day & The Wirrawee Show.

How many days were they planning on staying? How much food do you think is reasonable to bring, split between 7 teenagers? They were planning on staying in there five days. I think a bag full of food would be helpful because having extra is better than having fewer supplies and they don't need to go back to the Landrover to get more supplies which means that they have to start the track all over again.

Who is the Hermit and what is he supposed to have done? The Hermit is an ex-murder that killed his wife and baby. One of the paths in the Tailors Stitch is called Hermit's path. He is also rumored that he lives in "Hell"

Do you think the Hermit will be significant to this story? Why/Why not? I believe that he will be a significant character in this book because he will not be in chapter two and other chapters if he is not important. I think he will have something to do with Ellie and her friends that will have a tremendous impact on the story.

Is their decent down Satan’s Steps into Hell dangerous? Discuss what are the dangers, how could they have made it safer, what would you have done? I think that the track that they got through was riskier than the other tracks. They could hurt themselves in different ways. Probably they are still on their way in "Hell" but in a more hazardous track. I would probably bring a map with me so I know which way I should go.

Predict what the bridge signifies. I think when they go across the bridge they will meet the Hermit on the other side. They will probably have an interaction with him and they could perhaps believe him that those famous stories about him are just rumors.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Health Reflection

today in Health class, I learn some new stuff, like the meanings of the physical wellbeing, social wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing, and mental & emotional wellbeing.

My physical wellbeing is fine because i do exercise and I eat a lot of vegetables than meat because I know that meat isn´t good for our body. I Also play a lot of sports like basketball and more so I could get fit, and I also sleep at the right time.

Image result for physical wellbeing

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

End of Term Reflection - Visual Collage

In this term I have learnt
 a lot

Monday, July 2, 2018

Job Career

Role Profile

Job title: Architect or Architect Engineering

Other names for the job:
Landscape Architect
Kaihoahoa Whenua
Industrial Designer
Kaitatai Ahumahi
Graphic Designer
kaiwhakatauira whakanikoniko

What you do to this work?: Architects design all kinds of buildings. Before constructing a building, an architect needs to draw a plan of they building first before the construct it.

Skills and Qualities:

  • design and drawing skills.
  • a methodical, logical approach.
  • analytical skills.
  • excellent maths skills.
  • communication and negotiating skills.
  • IT skills.
  • imaginative and creative thinking skills.
  • The product of one or many architects
  • Well documented
  • Circulated to the system´s stakeholder
  • Fulfil all the customer's requirements
  • Analyzed and evaluated for quality attributes
  • Incremental
Image result for architect people
Hours of Works:
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Image result for clock transparent
Gross  monthly income: $6,000
Annual Salary: $73,000
Image result for people getting paid cartoon
Annual Leave:
2-4 Weeks

Image result for excited leaving at work cartoon

English Essay Writing (Assessment)

The movie directed by John Avildsen “The Power of One”, it’s the story of a boy, Peekay, who decides to become the welterweight boxing champion of the world after suffering at the hands of bullies at boarding school. In the scene where Jaapie Botha is talking to Peekay the technique that director uses to this scene is over the shoulder shot.

We see these when Jaapie Botha is coming to slap peekay at the face. The purpose of the director is to show that, Jaapie is pointing to peekay and coming to peekay to slap him at the face. This technique helps the audience to understand that jaapie is coming to peekay and also it shows that jaapie pointing to peekay. After all that happen peekay push jaapie away because Jaapie killed his chicken, and after Peekay push Jaapie. Jappie decided to hang Peekay too, like what he did to Peekay's chicken. Then after when the teacher opens up the door, Jaapie comes to and the teacher said hang him off and he slaps Jaapie at the face.

In the scene where after  Jaapie Botha got slap by his teacher, In that scene, the director uses a technique called facial expression. We see this technique when jaapie is looking at Peekay after he got slap by his teacher. His face was angry and ashamed of what happened to him. The director did this to show that jaapie is looking at peekay really angry, and also to show jaapie reaction. This makes the audience feel, scared and intense, because of jaapie reaction to that scene. This aspect can be compared, to another scene, where peekay has a blood in his face and while looking at jaapie.

In the another scene, where peekay has a blood in his face and looking at jaapie, the technique that director uses here is the close-up. We see this technique when peekay is looking at jaapie with blood in his face. The purpose of this is to show that peekays is nervous, scared and also to show their expression. This makes the audience feel, worried to peekay, because his face has full of bloods. This aspect can be compared to the another scene, another scene where jaapie got a slap
By his teacher.

In conclusion, Avildsen uses a combination of over the shoulder shot, facial expression and close up, to show their reaction,  and to also to show who they talking at.